Thursday, November 7, 2019

Reading Notes Part B: Jakata Tales, The Sarabha

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There is a deer who lives way back in the forest and no one ever sees him. The men call him the Sarabha. If everything is quiet in the world then you can hear his voice. One day a king was hunting around in the forest and he saw one of these Sarabhas in the forest. He called out asking who this was and the Sarabha disappeared into the woods. He asked who this creature was but before he could say anything the creature disappeared into the forest. The King wanted to catch him so he got on his horse and shot arrows toward the deer however they kept dodging them. The horse kept running and soon the armies were out looking for the King since he had been gone for so long. They spotted him and the king demanded they run faster and catch him. Suddenly the king and his horse came across a deep chasm and the Sarabha was able to leap across it. The King did not see this chasm and the horse did not jump it. The King was flung off the horse into the Chasm. The Sarabha saw the King had fallen and was saddened for him. The deer said he should save him because he was all alone. He found the king and told him not to be frightened. The king was ashamed he viewed the deer as his enemy and apologized. His armor had kept him safe from the fall. The Sarabha trusted the king so he took him on his back and climbed out of the chasm. The King thanked him and asked if he wanted to go back to his forest. The Sarabha said that the forest was his home and the King promised he would be hunted no longer.

Author's Note:

I thought this story was interesting because it was one of the first ones I have read where all sides get along at the end. I would love to put my own twist on this.


Author: Noor Inayat (Khan)

Title: The Sarabha

Link: Story

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