Monday, September 2, 2019

Feedback Thoughts

Feedback Image
While learning, I think feedback is one of the best ways one is allowed to grow and evolve. I tend to do better in classes where feedback is consistently given and encouraged. It allows for growth, whether it helps one grow from their mistakes or grow further and deeper into their knowledge. A lot of the times I think people tend to be scared to make mistakes because sometimes mistakes can lead to failure. I use to be one of those people and thought that mistakes would ruin the goals I was trying to accomplish. It took a long time before I was able to learn how to embrace my mistakes and instead of being scared, I began to encourage mistake making because it led to growth I would not have gotten otherwise. In my sophomore year of college, one of my professors stressed how much feedback was going to be incorporated into his class. We were given feedback, and also gave feedback to others and I found it to be exceedingly helpful and encouraged me to reach out for feedback because it can only help me. Although there is negative feedback, I feel as though it is important to not be discouraged by it but instead take it as a learning opportunity. 

I believe that some are scared of failure and mistakes because of self-doubt. Self-doubt can make you question your worth and value especially if a mistake is made. I loved having the opportunity to read the article "Seven Ways to Crush Self-Doubt in Creative Work". One of my favorite points made in the article is the concept of Abandoning Perfectionism. I have a bad habit of feeling like things need to be "perfect" for them to be right. I believe the idea of what perfect it is just a social construct that can be detrimental. People strive to be "perfect" but what are the exact criteria for something to meet the standard of perfection? Instead, striving to do your best is important, and in this case, I think this is where feedback becomes increasingly important. I also was able to read the article "A fixed mindset could be holding you back", and agreed with the message of the entire article. A fixed mindset can hinder ones ability to grow and learn. Having a mindset instead that is open to change and feedback is the kind of mindset that allows one to grow and develop. 

Seven Ways to Crush Self-Doubt in Creative Work: Link to article
A fixed mindset could be holding you back: Link to article

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