Sunday, August 25, 2019

Time Strategies

I have learned that planning things ahead of time helps with time management and ensuring that I stay organized. Whether its planning what needs to go in my backpack, writing in my planner, or making a to do list, I think that planning ahead is they key to staying on track.

Time management is a skill that I have learned to really put effort into as I came into college. My first semester I was not use to the need for keeping up with assignment due dates so I began to procrastinate. Procrastinating only led to stress and mistakes in my assignments so I knew that I needed to find ways to create study plans and a plan on how to manage my time. One of the ways I keep track of my assignments and due dates is by reading the syllabus and putting important dates and test times into my planner. I also keep my planner color coordinated so I can keep track of each of my classes. I also put into my calendar days I need to start working on assignments or studying so I have a game plan that is less stressful and easier to follow through with. It has led my semesters to become more successful and a little less stressful. While reading through some of the articles about time management, the two I found most helpful were “4 Questions to Help You Overcome Procrastination”, and “Time Management Tips Just for Creatives”. I liked how each of these listed out the tips for how to successful manage time and also how to overcome putting assignments off. Both of the articles were very helpful and I will refer back to them later in the semester. I learned that I need to make a plan on how to get started, and what my priorities are for the day. I think my biggest time challenges are to make sure I study ahead of time and not last minute for exams or quizzes. My planner helps me visualize when I need to start studying, so I am trying to get better at this skill!

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